Tons of Examples

If you want to see a ton of examples on how to run (and how to break) pasv, there are many examples in the tests directory of the pasv GitHub repository.

With in the test directory, there are three directories, slow, medium, and fast. Each of these contain directories that end in .t. Each of those define a Cram test. Inside of the *.t directories you will find a run.t file as well as other files necessary for the tests to run (e.g., query sequences, reference sequences, etc.).

Each run.t file exercises a specific aspect of using the pasv command line app. The nice part about run.t files is that they are written as sort of "pseudo" bash scripts. Any thing starting with a $ is run in a sandboxed environment. Everything else are comments describing what is going on.

The other cool thing is that each of these examples is tested under continuous integration. This means that any example that works will work with the latest version of pasv and any example that should fail will not work with the latest version of pasv.

Because of these two aspects, you can consider the run.t examples a kind of spec on pasv CLI usage.