Installing Precompiled Binaries

The simplest way to get started with PASV is to use one of the precompiled binaries available on the releases page.

A couple different "flavors" are available:

  • MacOS -- use this if you have a Mac. I have not tested it on the new Arm chip macs, only intel.
  • Linux (Ubuntu, dynamic linking)
  • This should work on Ubuntu-like systems (e.g., Debian and possible others).
  • It does have some dynamically linked C/C++ libraries, so it may not work if you have an older system. See the release page for more info.
  • Linux (Alpine, static linking)
  • This should work on most Linux systems.
  • It is statically linked, so it should Just Work :)
  • If you are on Linux, this is the one you probably want.

You can find them all on the releases page.

Don't forget that after downloading one of the binaries, you will need to adjust the permissions to make it executable. Additionally, you will need to install the external dependencies that PASV relies on.


Here is an example of getting one of the pasv binaries working:

$ wget
$ unzip
$ chmod 755 pasv
$ ./pasv --help

Note that it is for pasv version 2.0.2 and using the alpine-static version. You can find other versions on the release page.