Installing PASV from source files

If you are not already an OCaml programmer, I recommend that you download one of the precompiled binaries or use the Docker image instead.

If you want to compile PASV from source, you need to have a working OCaml development setup.

Additionally, you will need to install GNU Make and the external dependencies that PASV relies on.

Set up OCaml development environment

Instructions to set up an OCaml development environment can be found here or here.

Get the code

Use git to clone the git repository.

$ git clone

or download a release from here.

Install OCaml dependencies

cd pasv
opam install . --deps-only --with-doc --with-test

Build, install, & run tests

opam exec -- make build && opam exec -- make install && opam exec -- make test

Sanity check

If all went well, this should give you the path to the pasv executable file.

which pasv