List of (most of the )references for papers mentioned in the documentation. If there are any mentioned in the docs that are not included here, please let me know, and I will correct it!

  • Ballif, Marie, Paul Harino, Serej Ley, Mireia Coscolla, Stefan Niemann, Robyn Carter, Christopher Coulter, et al. 2012. “Drug Resistance-Conferring Mutations in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis from Madang, Papua New Guinea.” BMC Microbiology 12 (September): 191.
  • De Smet, Koen A. L., Karen E. Kempsell, Alex Gallagher, Ken Duncan, and Douglas B. Young. 1999. “Alteration of a Single Amino Acid Residue Reverses Fosfomycin Resistance of Recombinant MurA from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis The EMBL Accession Number for the Sequence in This Paper Is X96711.” Microbiology 145 (11): 3177–84.
  • Nasko, Daniel J., Jessica Chopyk, Eric G. Sakowski, Barbra D. Ferrell, Shawn W. Polson, and K. Eric Wommack. 2018. “Family A DNA Polymerase Phylogeny Uncovers Diversity and Replication Gene Organization in the Virioplankton.” Frontiers in Microbiology 9 (December): 3053.
  • Schmidt, Helen F., Eric G. Sakowski, Shannon J. Williamson, Shawn W. Polson, and K. Eric Wommack. 2014. “Shotgun Metagenomics Indicates Novel Family A DNA Polymerases Predominate within Marine Virioplankton.” The ISME Journal 8 (1): 103–14.
  • Tabor, S., and C. C. Richardson. 1995. “A Single Residue in DNA Polymerases of the Escherichia Coli DNA Polymerase I Family Is Critical for Distinguishing between Deoxy- and Dideoxyribonucleotides.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 92 (14): 6339–43.
  • Vilchèze, Catherine, Torin R. Weisbrod, Bing Chen, Laurent Kremer, Manzour H. Hazbón, Feng Wang, David Alland, James C. Sacchettini, and William R. Jacobs Jr. 2005. “Altered NADH/NAD+ Ratio Mediates Coresistance to Isoniazid and Ethionamide in Mycobacteria.” Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 49 (2): 708–20.
  • Zuurmond, A. M., L. N. Olsthoorn-Tieleman, J. Martien de Graaf, A. Parmeggiani, and B. Kraal. 1999. “Mutant EF-Tu Species Reveal Novel Features of the Enacyloxin IIa Inhibition Mechanism on the Ribosome.” Journal of Molecular Biology 294 (3): 627–37.